It comes from the gps coordinates of the greater Cleveland area.
My first home brew I called "State Road Lake Overflow Ale" It was a brown ale that I bottled and aged for about a month. They were pretty smooth, I made note of all the things I would do differently next time. The name came from the true life event where State Road Lake overflowed and flooded the basement, my yard, my garage, and most of the city. Here is a picture of the notorious State Road Lake.
My second attempt at brewing came in the form of a hard cider. I called it "Mapleside Offroad Cider". The name stemming from the field where we drove Nici's Honda in all kinds of mud and grass to park and then walk to Mapleside Farms where I got the cider that would later be fermented with champagne yeast to give it a drier, bubbly taste.